Creating a visualization - Tables

In this article, you will learn to create a table view visualization.


A table visualization is also known as a data grid or data table, it allows you to display data from a metric set using a tabular view. It is one of the most common ways of displaying data, and therefore, one of the most important ways people analyze data. This is the default type of visualization that is used when first selecting data if you did not choose another type.

Let's understand this with an example.

Let's assume, you would like to list the following information in a tabular format:

Applicant Name

Education Level


Scholarship Awarded

Step 1.  In Impact Cloud v3, to create a chart click on the Chart tab from the Home screen.  You can alternatively click on + symbol to open the Chart submenu and click on Chart to create one.

Step 2. For this example, select the following

Dataset: demo_scholarship_data 

Note: demo_scholarship_data is the dataset used in this example. Google sheet for the same can be accessed here.

Popular charts or All Charts: Table

Finally, click on Create New Chart at the bottom right-hand side.

REMEMBER: Select the dataset and chart type are required to create a chart.

Step 3.  Select the following:


Columns: Applicants Name, Education Level, Country, and Scholarship Awarded. 

REMEMBER: Selecting either AGGREGATE or RAW RECORDS in the query is mandatory.

Step 4. Run Query. The table visualization is now created.

RAW RECORDS : Lists values of selected columns in tabular format or in a narrative form

Step 5. You can now save the visualization as "Applicants detail" to the Dashboard Scholarship Demo.

Let's understand how to use AGGREGATE in Query 

Note: AGGREGATE Query is used when you want to do aggregation on a table.

For example, if you want to count the students who were awarded scholarships based on the country and their education level.

To do this, follow Step 1 & Step 2 to create a table chart using the "Scholarship Demo" dataset.


Now, select the following:


Group by: Country, Education Level

Metrics: Count(*) (To count the students were awarded scholarships)

NOTE : SUM, AVG functions can be also used for aggregation.

Run the Query, the visualization is created as shown below:

You can save this chart as "Scholarship Awarded Country wise Education level wise " to "Scholarship Demo" Dashboard as shown below:

NOTE: AGGREGATE in Query allows you to perform aggregation operations on a table.

Note: You may also download a CSV of the table view and if you are aware of SQL and have advanced analytics or reporting needs, you can view the query and modify and run it in SQL Lab.

Congratulations !! You have created two types of table view visualizations.