Creating a survey

This article shows you how to get started with creating a survey from scratch.

Click on Forms, to list all the surveys
Click on forms
The form designer is the most important tool for the survey as it allows you to Design your forms by adding questions and answers. Configure your survey properties. Test your survey to make sure that it works as expected. And finally, publish your survey to gather responses.
1. Create a New Survey
 Click "New survey". This step will enable you to create a new survey
Click New survey
2. Pick a name for the Survey
Example: Survey example
Click "Create survey"
Pick a name
*Note - Let's learn to create a new survey with the following questions:
Gender: Male or Female or
Other About yourself :
3. Click "Add question" to create the survey
Add question
 4. The following dialog box is shown.
Click "Text fields" to create a text field for entering the Name
Text fields
 5. Click "Add question"
Add question 2
 6. Click "Single choice".
Type Gender
Single choice
 7. Click the "Answer label" field.
Anser label field
 8. Type in the options, "Male ENTER Female ENTER Other"
 9. Click "Comment field" and type: About yourself
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