Option 3: Super hands on 1-1 Bootcamp

A Comprehensive 60-Day Bootcamp to Transform Your Impact Strategy into Actionable Dashboards

The Success First - Impact Measurement to Dashboard Bootcamp, offered by Sopact, is an on-demand, data-driven program that aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop and execute effective impact data strategies. Over 60 days, the bootcamp will guide participants through managing impact data, performing advanced analytics, and communicating results to stakeholders. The hands-on program is designed to assist participants in transitioning from an impact strategy to a functional dashboard, all while fostering informed decision-making and positive societal change. Participants will learn to manage data collection and storage, develop robust impact data strategies, and gain valuable insights into communicating impact results. The boot camp's comprehensive curriculum caters to those who aspire to become impact data owners and contribute meaningfully to societal betterment​1 ​.