1. Knowledge Hub
  2. Dashboards
  3. Creating filters on the dashboard

Filtering in Dashboards

In this article, you will learn to add filters to Dashboards.


Filtering is a great way to narrow the results shown in your dashboard, gaining new insights into how different demographics have responded to your survey, and also to understand how different variables are related.  

Dashboard filters can apply to all tabs on a dashboard, or to only one dashboard tab. The filters once saved can be used by any user who has access to the dashboard.

Let's learn how to create a basic filter on Impact Cloud V3. For this example let's use "Scholarship Demo."

Step 1. Open the dashboard "Scholarship Demo" as shown below:


Step 2. Click on the icon to open the Filter tab.

Step 3. This will open the Filter tab as shown below:

Step 4. Click on the edit () on the filter menu. This will open a dialog box as shown below:

Step 5. Configure the filter dialog box with the following values:

On the configuration tab...

Filter Name: Country (Give any name which you can easily identify)

Column: select a column from the list of columns.

Multiple select: ☑️

Step 6. Go to the Scoping tab (as there are two tabs in this dashboard).

To apply the filter to both the tabs: Select Apply to all panels

To apply the filter to specific panels: Select this option. This opens up a list of which panels you want to select.

Step 7. Save the filter configuration.

Step 8. You have created a filter on the dashboard. Now you can filter the records based on Country for all the visualizations on both tabs.

Similarly, You can add more filters to the dashboard. To do edit the filter and click on add as shown below:

 Now, you can follow the steps mentioned in Step 5 to configure this filter by setting the Filter name and "Column"

Congratulations !! you have learned to create filters on Dashboard.