1. Knowledge Hub
  2. Dashboards
  3. Creating and publishing dashboards

Introduction to Dashboard

In this article, you are going to look at what Dashboards are, and how to create, share, and publish them.


A Dashboard is a visual display of data, often called canvas, that tells a story through data visualizations using charts, tables, and maps. It is a graphical tool that tracks, analyzes, displays metrics and critical data points aimed at empowering users to understand and leverage business intelligence to make more informed decisions in real-time. These visualizations can come from one or more underlying datasets or sources and be shared inside and outside the organization by creating a link to their dashboard.

How to create a Dashboard :

Step 1. Log on to Impact Cloud v3 with the login credentials provided to you by Sopact Admin. Once logged in you should be able to see the screen as shown below :

Note: You may also create a dashboard at the time of saving the chart or visualization. The system provides you an option to save the chart in an existing dashboard or create one from scratch.

To create a new Dashboard click on the (+) symbol at the top right-hand corner of the screen. You can also create a new Dashboard by clicking on the menu (Dashboard) as shown below :

Step 2. This will result in the below screen being displayed. :

Step 3. Save the Dashboard by clicking on the Save button. For example. It has been saved as a "Scholarship Demo". The screen looks as shown below :

Step 4. You can now use this dashboard to save any visualization that you have created.


How to share a Dashboard / Share link for viewing the dashboard:

Step 1. Open any saved Dashboard. Let's open the "Scholarship Demo" that you saved. The screen looks as shown below:

Step 2. Once the dashboard is opened. Click on ... (3 dots) to open the submenu as shown below.

Let's explore various menu items available in this submenu.

Copy dashboard URL - This menu item is used to copy the URL to be shared internally or externally with other users without logging into the platform.

URL using the Share dashboard - To share the Dashboard URL directly on email. The users can view the dashboard without logging into the platform.

Remember : 

This dashboard link is public and is view-only. No changes can be made to the dashboard. 

Only users with login credentials can make modifications to the visualizations on the dashboard by logging into the platform.


How to publish the dashboard:

When you create a dashboard and save it. By default, the dashboard is in draft mode. 

Draft mode:- In this mode, the dashboard is only visible to the owners of the underlying dataset for the dashboard. But it will not be listed in the list of dashboards visible to other owners of the dashboard who collaborate on it.

Published: In this mode, the dashboard is listed in the list of dashboards and is visible to all the owners of the underlying data for the dashboard. 

NOTE: The dashboard is visible only to the owners of the dashboard whether it is in Draft mode or published mode. 

Step 1. Select any dashboard that you have created and saved. For this example, let's open the Scholarship Demo Dashboard.

To publish the dashboard, click on the draft.  This will publish the dashboard and this dashboard will be listed in the list of dashboards to all the collaborators for this dashboard. 


Congrats !!! You have created, saved, shared, and published the dashboard.