Setting Color scheme in the Dashboard

In this article, you will learn to set color scheme for your Dashboard


The colors we use in charts play a significant role in the effectiveness of telling a compelling story with data. A poorly crafted or improperly used palette can confuse an audience, while sound color choices communicate data and analysis results with clarity.

Let's learn how to set the color scheme for a dashboard in Impact Cloud V3.

Step 1. Go to the listing of dashboards as shown below:

Step 2. Edit the properties of the dashboard by clicking on the edit icon as shown below:

Step 3. It should open up the below dialog box:

Step 4. Click on the Color Scheme below Colors. It will open up a drop-down with 7 color schemes. Select the color scheme. Save the settings.

Step 5. Now, this color scheme will be applied to all the visualizations on this dashboard.

NOTE: Any new chart added to this dashboard will also have this color scheme.

Congrats !! You have learned to select a color scheme in your dashboard...