Option 2: Hands-on Self-Guided Tutorial

Embarking on Impact Strategy to Dashboard: A Comprehensive Walkthrough for Committed Change-Makers

This guide is for individuals, groups, and organizations that want to create a strong plan for making a positive difference. The hands-on, do-it-yourself tour takes about an hour, which is enough to learn the basic features of our platform. Afterward, you can make the process your own if you like hands-on activities. You can try out an example on our demo version.

Remember that the demo version isn't for making your personalized process.  You should talk to the Sopact team about the best option. In real life, making your plan will be unique and might depend on different things. Making your plan could take 10-30 hours based on how complicated it is, how much you need to work with others, and how experienced you are. You'll spend about 3-5 hours making your impact plan, another 3-5 hours creating a Sopact Survey, and 7-10 hours making your impact dashboard. Also, you should be ready to work with the Sopact team to check and approve your impact plan.

We believe in giving our all to this process. Being dedicated to using data and being in charge of your data-driven plan is important for getting great results. We're excited to help you make a positive and powerful change.

Discover Impact Cloud by checking out its easy-to-use design, changeable dashboards, and tools for showing data in a cool way.

  1. Free Sign-up: Begin with our out-of-box strategies and customize them to fit your needs.
  2. Complete Example: Explore a comprehensive example to learn the total value quickly.
  3. Learn From Video: Spend 30 minutes understanding the end-to-end process in our webinar.

Step 1: Build Impact Strategy: 

Week 1: Review the following tutorial

Hands-On Tutorial for Measuring Activity and Output Metrics in the Girls Code Program

Create a complete inventory of activities, surveys, and dashboarding requirements

Week 2: Review strategy, and create a complete plan in Basecamp and sign-off timeline and role and responsibility

[Create Template in Base Camp]




Step 2: Build Sopact Survey

Shiji, please see the above example and follow a similar approach. It is best to write this based on the demo instance that the product team is preparing.  See the above tutorial and follow a similar approach.


Step 3: Data Collection, Integration, Dashboard Design, and Analytics

Shiji, please see the above example and follow a similar approach. It is best to write this based on the demo instance that the product team is preparing.  See the above tutorial and follow a similar approach.